So many students have asked the same question about agniveer scheme and there are many connecting questions about agniveer like is it a temporary job, is it applicable to officers entry also, is pension applicable to Agniveers etc. In this regards initially we have first approached to manasa defence academy but it was very difficult to get the contact number of manasa defence academy so first we logged on to and saw a contact no of its Principal that is 7799799221. after having called this number we got to speak to the Principal and its Chairperson who have very clear vision about the scheme agniveer but before we discuss the discussion about agniveer it is important to know about manasa defence academy. If you happen to type the best defence academy of India and search in google you will get to know about manasa defence academy, this is the best academy of India. This academy is made for job seekers after 10th pass. the student who have passed 10th class can apply for joining in manasa defence academy. First he will be medically examined if found fit then be given entry into manasa defence academy. The boys studying intermediate are prepared for NDA and agniveer . The boys who are studying for intermediate are also trained for defence forces. This academy is fully furnished of all facilities like swimming pool, gym, hostel, parade ground, mess, canteen, labs, library, computer lobbies etc. The students need not to go out for anything as all the facilities are available inside the boundaries only. The entry in this academy is only for hostelites, we strictly do not allow day boardings because of tight training schedule that starts from morning 0500 hours to 2200 hours . Training schedule includes classes, practicals, theories, group discussions, psychological sessions, stag speech training, personality development courses, english speaking skills, interview facing tactics etc . Generally selection ratio from this academy to defence forces is 80 to 90 % of total strength. The manasa defence academy was established before kargil war between India and Pakistan in the year of 1998 at Mulagada, near new gajuwaka Visakhapatnam India 530012, since then we have been providing quality trained soldiers to our armed forces specially to NDA, Navy, Army and Airforce. Since working culture developing in our country was of shame full nature as hardly there is anyone who works honestly in government department without bribe and if there is any one who wants to work and perform his duties honestly then the corrupt bench of employees used to pull his leg down by all means and trash him down to earth, even though if some one to work as per the salary he gets then he was to be made a target and finally his carrier and character both are destroyed. The problem did not end up here as it became speechless uncurbable decease by any of the governing political party even, because right from the begining in India the political parties kept announcing reservations for lower class and no one dared to call it off later. Although these announcements were made temporary but later if these reservations are called off then this will effect their vote bank and government will be shaked. So keeping this in view the present BJP government headed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi took it from the other corner which is like this:- The main three forces Army Navy Air Forces do not have reservation system so it kept clean and worthy environment so mr Prime Minister wanted to pick up youth from these forces and put them into other government branches to stop the corruption. Here the scheme agniveer starts from. This scheme not only cleans the corruption from local bodies of government departments but also strengthen the forces because the forces will remain young and all the departments will be supplied clean, trained, qualified and military mind set people who will work honestly and will not increase corruption because these people will not be under reservation especially from lower castes and back ward mind sets . These people of agniveer are enrolled as per the normal entry as before. They are to qualify all the tests interviews medicals and other exams as before. some of 25% of total entry those who are performing well are to be retained in services rest 75% of the strength is sent out with a degree and lump sum amount. Candidate those who are retained for further service are eligible for all defence benefits and pension but those who are sent back are not eligible not to be given pension but this class of soldiers are again given priority. This priority is the main hope for the cleanship of correction as slowly the older people will go out and younger trained generation will get into the departments slowly, they are to improve the system by reviving the dead corrupt system of bribe and negative mentality towards their duties. The training given by the Army is not a simple one but life changing prospect so when these people are to enter in the game it will be a turning point of our country but now the question comes that why it was apposed so strongly through out the country ? The answer is no. It was apposed by non other than the politicians and their people especially by the Narendra Modi oppositions and corrupted political parties. These parties have no concept to clean this corruption since last 70 years in India but kept ruling and became billionaires, today they all are highly rich who once upon a time used to ride bicycle or used to work in a beer bar as bar tander or working in the government department as government servant. These corrupted political parties have actually spoiled the scenario of this country. Japan had nuclear attack in 1947 and was almost smashed and China got freed at same time but these two countries got very good controller and conductor and picked up the speed of development whereas India control went into wrong and corrupts hands who worked only for their family and corruption so we are still a poor country in the list of global market. Therefore I strongly advise every youth of this country to join manasa defence academy first and get to know the reality then move further, we at manasa defence academy strongly recommend the scheme agniveer for the future of Indian youth and country too. If you ever have any question we are always available at or speak to us on 7799799221. Intoto the scheme agniveer is highly suitable for the future of this country and youth or job seekers but certainly it is proved unsuitable for political parties and their agendas of fooling around the public of this country by smashing the tomorrow of coming child. one should be political but shall not be antinational. Antinational activities are a common factor in this country because the public is also like that. Here in this country public does nor know where the garbage be dumped and we are expecting them to cast their vote to correct person. There is a basic deference of ideology of human being of eastern glob and western glob. In western countries also corruption is seen but these people do not compromise the security, safety and future of their coming generations, these people do not spoil working culture of their country. That's why the scheme agniveer was exploid to a large level by political parties and their people who had got nothing to do with agniveer were seen in agitations almost at various places. Some time it appeared that a man who is not in race of defence jobs was striving against agniveer, why?? even he does not know in fact he was a member of corrupt political party.
Manasa Defence Academy, providing the best training for NDA, Navy, Army, Airforce and all Central Government jobs since 1998.
About Us

- Manasa Defence Academy is an registered trade mark Defence Academy since 1998, providing training for NDA, Indian Navy, Indian Army, and Indian Airforce selection in government jobs. This academy is under license from the government of India and is surrounded by the boundaries of Indian Navy at Visakhapatnam. Manasa is declared as the best academy in India by the central government, it is one of the biggest and oldest defence academy which has it’s own playground, swimming pool, gym, A/c or non A/c hostel, mess for veg/non-veg and north/south Indian foods. We work on the lowest fee structure and maintained high core training and standardized food quality. Armed force service pattern training is aparted to maintain upper regulated results. Everyone in the training can reinsure to put up his best having the mythology of service before self resulting there is a must seen outcome in every training within a time span of 3-4 months. This academy is not only a training institute but also a matter of pride. To know more: CALL US: +91 7799799221 Web:
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Training For NDA
There are the people now a days searching for Sunny Leon, Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar but nobody of the youth found searching for their better carrier in NDA, Indian Navy, Indian Airforce, Indian Army and all ... why because the standard of youth is going down step wise . Everyone knows the carrier at Manasa Defence Academy at Visakhapatnam but the youth is on reels, tiktok, shorts. They are hardly bothered to know that the best defence Academy exists in our India that is non other than Manasa Defence Academy at Visakhapatnam. I can understand there are people who are engaged in making of duplicate academies on the name of Manasa Defence Academy but even that there is a hope to search for the real one because we have our logo registered, Manasa Defence Academy is ISO certified defence academy since 1998 and has been a leader of placement in government sector especially in defence sector like NDA, Indian Airforce, Indian Navy, Indian Army, Combined Defence Service, Commission Worthy, union public service commission , staff service commission even in the central police services also. we at Manasa Defence Academy are dedicated to nation for the security of our mother land and our boarders too. so Indian youth must be awaken now rather than searching for Manasa Defence Academy they are on to search cricketer Virat kohli, actress Noura Fatehi or even Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi . when the their time turns into them that time they can do so even they can search US President Barack Obama, Bill Clinton or the present Present shri Biden but truly speaking this is not the time waste it like that till they achieve their goal, as far as my concern is there as per my view that every student desirous of joining NDA , Indian Navy, Indian Airforce or Indian Army must take training at Manasa Defence Academy at visakhapatnam and before joining Manasa Defence Academy they must verify weather they are in real Manasa Defence Academy because there are several people who have formed duplicate training academy, duplicate coaching centre duplicate training academy for defence. remember Manasa Defence Academy is at only Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh India pin no- 530012. so it is about the searches by the job seekers . one more trends is seems to be in our country that every youth is behind the never coming jobs after completing Engineering, today the youth has to understand one thing clearly that "IF YOU WANT A GOVERNMENT IN INDIA YOU HAVE TO PREPARE FOR IT". Preparing for the job after passing degree or engineering is of no use because mean time the applicant has gone over aged. Seeking a job in private sector in our India is found bit terrible because of work pressure and less salary. there is also long working hours in private sector so if you are looking for the future settlement you must try for the job in Government sector especially in defence sector, that is only possible through Manasa Defence Academy at Visakhapatnam India. a student must join Manasa Defence Academy if he is job seeker in NDA , NAVY, ARMY, AIRFORCE, IAS (INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE) Now government of India has also started entry for female in all services especially for officers entry through NDA . All these entries are not for four years but permanent whereas the agniveer is for four years for those who don't perform well during these four years but they has reservations in almost every department of state and central government after they get back from the forces . this is a logical idea of prime minister Narendra Modi to develop the country as it has become a tradition in India to not to work after getting a government job with a cut money or bribe. The Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is trying to change this dirty mentality and wrong mind set of the people by introducing the scheme Agniveer. The solder enrolled in agniveer if performing better will be retained in the same service and those whose performance is not found satisfactory will be sent back for retrying for other government jobs in the state or central so that these post get trained hard worker and honest staff who do justice to their post and duties. It is a beautiful system of changing our country from these kind of mind set of not working after they get selected in government job so blaming and defaming the working culture of our government departments so as far as my views the action taken by the government is very good, correct and justified.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Beyond any daugt manasa defence academy is the best academy for nda training or manasa defence academy is the best defence academy for selection in nda because before joining we confirm medical fitness of the candidate. It a candidate id found medical unfir he is not given admission in manasa defence academy. After medical check up other cretariaism cretaria are checked which are necessary to the selection like his age, hight, education, attitude and percentage. After the candidate found to be suitable for training in manasa defence academy than only he is given green card to admission. Soon after his admission he is allowed bed room, class table, books, uniorms and boots for parade.
The candidate is also allowed a soldier code for all events. Swimming pool is allowed only in proper swimming dress. Non swimmer are trained.
Does agniveer joins indian navy ?
This being a leading question of todays era. This was replied by manasa defence academy at the time of launching of agniveer. Agniveer is introduced in indian navy also. After completing 4 years if the sailor (agniveer) is sent out with a huge perk of amount he is given an easy access to all govt jobs like cbi, cid police, revenue, passport, corporation and other too.
Which could prove a life settling device. Agniveer is an entry same like other entries. Manasa defence academy is an suitable training centre to nda, ssc, ssb, upsc and agniveer. This scheme is supported by manasa defence academy at visakhapatnam because this is the only licenced defence academy as india and has highest job selection ratio. This is the game charging technic for the indian youth launched by the govt copying some other advanced countries, especially those who are suffering of less populated like china, japan, ets.
Some have compulsorily recruitment into forces where indian population is stunning at highest peak so we have selection procedure for agniveer.
Joining nda is as easy as 1-2-3-4 if you are quite talented and meet the requirement of nda exams and get selected in ssb followed by medical and pft (physical fitness test) as per military norms. Or else if you are quite daughtful then join manasa defence academy and hand over yourself to the trained hands so that they (MANASA DEFENCE ACADEMY) can prepare you to join nda (NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY), systematically.
It has stepwise action plan
Which are as follows:-
1. Get your self tested medically by some military surgeon only. This medical can not be lone by a normal MBBS doctor who is practising in private / government hospital because it is as per military norms.
2. Get coaching to crack nda in some defence academy but that should be a proper defence academy which has training of ssb also.
3. Apply for nda and get through the exams.
4. Join some ssb coaching by a gto (GROUPS TESTING OFFICER) only and get through it.
Yes, we do. Manasa defence academy being the bestacademy for defence and nda training has all the facilities for nda training, ground work, group discussion and physical aspect which are an important aspect of ssb (service selection board).
Manasa defence academy was especially designed to the training of nda and mda interview like ssb. Not only that manasa defence academy prepares her candidates for cds (combined defence services) also. Manasa defence academy is based at visakhapatnam but a leader of placement in defence secter, founded by shri Rambir singh who had been working in indian navy and has all practied there critical actual knowledge about all three service (indian army, indian navy, and indian airforce) followed by other paramilitary forces. First of all when a candidate joins manasa defence academy is checked medically as per military orders. If the candidate is found unfit or unsuitable then dewied for admission because unfit / unsuitable candidates can not join as the medical checks are not compromised.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
First of all was need to understand the selection procesure of nda. Manasa defence academy takes it seriously that without the ground practise it is quite difficult to crack ssb.
SSB (service selection board) is not an exam of some theoritical subject but a fine stage interview to scan total qualities of an candidate who has passed the exams of nda which is taken by upsc. Thes exam is base on physics, maths, gk and english. Physics is not only one subject but consist of total science including few question histery geography too.
It has minus marking of 25marks each question. Now a days in our country almost all exams are taken online otherthem upsc specially nda.
It is planned one day specially on sunday through out the country in two shift a mountary shift and afternoon shift aspirant those who have cleared there exams can only approach for ssb. Eighter at bhopal bangalore as per services. Here candidate has to go through 5 stage interview based an physochology.
It is not about searching the review on sunny leany, han a amitabh bachchan on youtube best it is the search about the best defence academy to nda training.
Generally 50% officer like quality (olq) one should have inbuilt by birth a by the enviorment he lived in rest of the qualities are announced by manasa defence academy in order to reach you to the level of nda at kharagwasle pune in maharastra one should have positive mindset for leader ship qualities and a loyal manager to the government. It is not about the justice, right or wrong comparision but about the safety and security of mother land.
In military matters, politics does not interfere much but give a free hand to commanders to deal as per their wayand get the result out by looks a croak because the safety of nation is at priority therefore the selection in nda is as per the requirment of the military not by the intelligence or wishdome of candidate.
A candidate eighther male of female should be a citizen of india and be un married. Physical fit. However you may approach the manasa defence academy for getting your medical done for nda. Retired army officers are checking candidate for nda and issuing medical fitness certificate which is usefull to the knowledge of aspirant in future and they can correct themselve on targetted points. UPSC is invited to conduct this examination and give finall result to ssb centre. There after the particular branch of force eigther army, navy, airforce conduct the ssb interviews to further moves. The entire selection in nda is based on inbuilt officers like quality (olq) in the aspirant. However it is enriched
Somehow by manasa defence academy as the officers of all three forces are getting aspirant train to nda.
It is an unchallangable / unbeaten answer two the best academy in india is only manasa defence academy. Manasa defence academy has been certified to be the best defence academy by medium and small scall enterprices the ministry of govt of india / bharat sarkar. The govt surveyed all defence academies in 2018-19 and found manasa the best defence academy in india. The servey was conducted for the following point 1. Building structure, spacious campus, training quality, food quality, facilities fees, results, behaviour, general dealing and view of students in general. So in all aspect manasa defence academy of india. Because manasa does not conpromise in training quality is excellent at manasa followed by ssb training for service selection board which is a 5 stage interview by the qualified officers who have long experience in physichology and behavior.
Eligibility for male candidates is
1. Height 157 cms
2. Age 17 to 20 years.
3. Weight according to wieght and ahe
4. Eye sight 6/6 both eye however vision corrected by glasses is acceptable
5. Both ears should normal hearing power
6. Knock knees and flate foot are not allowed
7. The candidate ahall not be color blond. cpz is acceptable
8. The candidate should have normal speech however tambing is also acceplable
9. Minimum 14 points are required in dental to requitmant however infected leath, duplicate or replaced one's point are not countined also enclined teeth or frontal damaged deformity is not accepted.
However manasa defence academy is on to recover small medied issues which are temporary and deemed to be fit. Any deformity which is permanent are not allowed.
The marine commando (marcos) were founded in 1987. They are capable of operating in all types of environments, at sea, air or on land. The force has gradually acquired more experience and an international reputation for professionalism. The marcos regularly take specialised maritime operations in jammu and kashmir through the thelum river and wular lake.
"The few the fearless" is the motto that itself describe their speciality that they belive in quality over quantity and being a part of this 'few' you have to be 'few' who have discipline, courage and perseverance to accept and face challenges that are beyong human copability.
To become a part of the prestige 'MARCOS' first you have to be a part of indian navy either by nda or cds and then you have to opt for marcos consists of two parts.. Firts is a three days long to test a candidate physical stamina and endurance and then in the second part called the screening rejects half of the applicants because the task are so difficult that only few can complete.
To become a marine commando you need to clear nda or cds exams then a serice selection board interview. We here at manasa defence academy train students for nda and cds through our two year programme for nda and one year programme for cds.
It is you response to the situation that makes you a winner. Every award or competetion have more enteries than winners. This is what by design make winning special because you are competing against individuals you are as talented as strong as you but only some of them get to achieve what he is competing for.
During 2008 olympics. In a swimming event micheavel phylips won by a margin of 0.1 micro seconds. He won doesn't mean that the other swimmer was less competant then him or he was not a skilled swimmer michael phelps won because his attitude was not give up and win. Winning is an attitude that can be learnt by training.
This is what we do here at manasa defence academy, through our training programmes and speech therapies we make students tough and mentally strong to face any challenge in life.
What david goggins once said that ''I do not stop when i am tired. I stop when i am done''. With the same princeple. We train our students here. In morning pt the day starts with a 5 km endurance run that develops a never give up attitude in them and a body wrenching exercise till their body and mental capacity starts breaking. Because greatness is on the other side of train.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
How does indian navy operates
There are two types of navy indian navy which is a front line defence to safe gurd her mother land. Indian navy covens sea, coasted side security and safety of the country and also if there is an water colomities like flood etc the indian navy called. Second is merchant navy which is a private seeter. Any rich man can own an licence and buy ships a fleet to lounch into sea for the purpose of transportaten of goods, oil and passangers too. Where as indian navy is joingd in two way, like for officers through national defence academy (NDA) which is khadakwasla, pune, maharastrah, nda training is to 3 years and soon after passing out of nda the officer is granted comission by his exculency the president of indian and second entry through sailors (non comissioned officer the training to than is in ins chikla at balugaon odissa.
Does casteism system applires indian navy
No, not at all. Indian navy and indian airforce, even indian army there is no reservation for sc, st, bc, ews, obc. Has in there 3forces all in treated equally. All these forces do not observe reservation culture as they are front line warrior. So these is no point of any kind of relaxation in age. hight exams, medical standand, phycical standard, fortherview, selection procesure exams free eto. Even after getting joined in there forces the system of promotion, salary facilities and living standard is not affected by the casteism culture of reservation.
Also the polities is given least weightage inside the indian airforce and indian army. However indian army has devided floops locality wise a you can say been given any relaxation for that extant.
Salaries pay and perk in navy
It is as per the rank and lenght of your service in indian navy however if you. Wish to know how much salary you would be joining in indian navy you may contact manasa defence academy or log on to We have been uploading vedior regarding salary and benfits an youtube channel of manasa defence academy. you can log on for free information on you may contact our support learn for such help.
All the table of salaries and other benifits are available on google non a days but the facilities in indian navy inside are not uploaded any where else due to un for security reasons. A small trailors are like this indian navy has best clubs in indian better then any other department on a start hotel. Where food rages and drinks are available a very minimum charges which are not at all possible elce. where. These facilities are enterly for sailors and their relatives/ families.
Life after you join Indian navy
The future after joining Indian navy is un beaten and international standard is followed. Indian navy is as clean as its uniform is or you can th ecolour of deep sea. Almost english language is used inside the navy for conversation and 100% for studies and official work. when you join navy you are to play various types of rules as per the departments. Maximum part of life in navy is spent in studies as indian navy has it own schools her officer and sailors department branch wise.
A physically fit and mentally tough sailors are sent on board to sail into the deep sea. some times months together. Almost every thing / facility is available on board a ship and efficient food is stored before departure from has part. In indian navy we respect a ship like our mother so in learn the ship is vocabolised as she a female with respect.
When to apply for Indian Navy
Recently Indian navy has invited application from young indian citizens those who are medically fit and in the age bracket of 17 to 20 year however cutoff dates have been announced by the govt. However if you find any difficulty you may approach manasa defence academy. This is the best academy for nda, navy, airforce, ssc, paraunitary tenses etc. Army one who is seek up help to applying for Indian navy is given all necessary advised by manasa defence academy free of cost. How ever Indian navy has been charging a sum of 550/- and Gst a 18%. The last date of online application is 15 june 2023 documents for applying.
SSR (senior secondary recruits) original certificate of 10th and 12th including mark sheet and domicile where as for MR (matric recruits) is original mark sheet of 10th class and domicile.
How to apply for Indian navy
Whenever you receive notification for SSR, MR or Artificer apprentice (AA) you can log on and get all necessary assistance for application because it is bit quick to apply to indian navy, likewise some time you are not prepared a site of Indian navy has been stored down due excessive traffic load. Otherwise if you are qualable of all rules of Indian navy that how to apply then you can also go to the official website of Indian navy and upload you application. you should be in possession of your 10th mark sheet, 12th mark sheet, residence certificate and recent passport size photos with navy blue background, without any head year an speeds, helding a state an chast, written date of photo, date of birth and state etc.
Then you can upload you application having followed their instruction. Then post all releavant documants to directerate of man power and requipment serabhavan, new delhi.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
This being a famous quote has proven true to me after 15 years of pensionable service. I was simply a son of who hardly passed 10th class at the end of 803, when i joined Indian navy. I visited nearly 24 foreign countries, did my civil educators completed like pg and header towards phd now. I have seen all the cultural activities and mindset of the people around the glob and came to know that it was Indian navy which shown me all that. Would that i could have been a son of a ballooner would not have gone through these many countries.
Navy gives you the clear picture of life, dos, don'ts and of well being. As per my preview everyone should join aggrieves at least for four years and meet the reality of life. Indian navy is not only a job it is opportunity.
Life in airforce
A wonderful life full of thrills, destiny, discoveries and a live match to life and death. Though every day we live to leave the earth but even sky doesn't ends to our care of imagination of dreams if you are an pilot as an flying officer you are yourself. You happen to challenge bards, cool breeze in minus temperature flying life is an wonderful life and satisfactory, harmonious feeling because when an pilot fly in the ske our people lie in their dreams. Though you need to prepare hard to achieve this life like you will have to prepare in porne defence academy which gives actual training for an air force office, pass nda exams qualify 3 years training at nda, pune, Maharashtra. You are commissioned by this excellency the president of republic of india in writing and he allows you to fly in the sky.
After qualifying your 10th or 12th you may go to engineering to live lavious life by mortgaging the most important part of your time this time never returns back and you keep paying in it entire life in piece meals. Rather than that if you sweat at this time and prepare your self to be an soldier and NDA officer, airforce officer, a navy officer, the attitude follows you. You happen to be the definition of attitude. Attitude is nothing but an improved version of you. Don't be misfit to life, fit yourself to military army officer. You are your own creator, you decide your late and your behavior towards the life becomes an attitude. Where as nothing break the foundations of manasa defence academy because we are the attitude we are your future we are manasa defence academy , we are the best over the glob.
Personality Devolopment in manasa defence academy
It is quite offer that personality starts improving while you are involved in the environment in international standard of educated soldiers. The best step to learn driving is to own a car. In real means you join manasa defence academy after 10th class which is the gateway to NDA, airforce, Indian navy where life style defers you may become rich by doing the business but can't attain the attitude what a solders bears.
Remember, god has controversy, leaders have controversy, great philosopher, scents, monks, rulers, and every one has controversy but there is some
one who does not have it, that is an soldier, soldier is an attitude, he is above all. personality salutes soldier. we manasa defence academy the best defence academy of india train to be 9 soldier. where eagle dares soldier strike there.
Carries in Navy
Navy has International standard of attitude military personality, english speaking style, your attitude your way of style and behavior where avery on which ever the port you visit you find a different era of life, therefore we at manasa defence academy harm you from the basic it self it is most important job for making your carrier successful to learn all about the up dates at world. The highest great of success in getting govt jobs specially in nda, Indian army, Indian airforce, Indian navy is maintained by manasa defence academy [visakhapatnam]That is the reason govt of india announced manasa the best academy of india.
If you are looking in carrier in airforce, you are to join manasa defence academy because here military officers are giving training in ssb, interview etc.

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